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Pelikan 100

In 1929, Günter Wagner launched its first Pelikan Fountain Pen (later renamed as Pelikan 100) with full preparations. The company made constructional and material changes in the following years. Especially, major changes in specification formed the definite characteristics that can be recognized as "generation". Please note that "generation" is not an official term. It is just for the descriptive purpose. It is based on 1929-44 Evolution of Pelikan 100 (Christof Zollinger),  PELIKAN 100 初代・二代目・三代目  (らすとるむ), and my own research. Please also note that change and modification were made at various time point and at various parts, while model 100 were produced seamlessly. So, there is a good reason that many "transitional models" exist.

Pelikan fountain pen (1929-1931)

the 1st generation

Pelikan fountain pen (ca.1929) (the first year version) 

the 2nd generation

Pelikan fountain pen (ca.1930)

Pelikan fountain pen (ca.1930-1931) (transitional version)

In 1931, Pelikan fountain pen was renamed Pelikan 100.


the 3rd generation

the 5th generation

the 6th generation

the 7th generation

the 8th generation

Pelikan 100 (ca.1942) (CN nib, wartime version)



Pelikan 110 (ca.1933) (transitional version)

Pelikan Gold

Solid 14 carat gold (cap bands and sleeve).


Pelikan 111 (ca.1933) (formerly Pelikan Gold)

T111 Toledo


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