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Pelikan 140 (1952-1965)
On May 25, 1950, model 400 was introduced (Pelikan Schreibgeräte). In 1952, the product range was expanded. On April 22, 1952, the economy model 140 was introduced. The model number was "140" and was positioned as the successor to model "130" IBIS. Although the "torpedo" shape was inherited from model 130 IBIS, the construction and design (striped barrel, beak-shaped clip etc.) was, so to speak, a smaller version of the 400. Model 130 IBIS remained in production for three years after the introduction of model 140.
Model 140 was a low-priced model, and no luxury line was made. On the other hand, the model was sold under various manufacturers' names. So there were many variations (Pelikan-collectibles).
Model 140 had desk set as well as model 400. They were produced (or modified) in Pelikan Milan factory.
Like model 400 series, model 140 was exported with "EXPORT" engraving on the barrel. Model 140 with 18 carat gold nib for the French market also existed.
There were model 140 E and model 140 Z. Model 140 E was made for the high graphite inks for making marks readable by the machine (e.g. bar-code labels), while model 140 Z was made for special ink for punch cards (Pelikan Schreibgeräte, Werner's Info-Page Pelikan-Pens, Pelikan-collectibles).
The matching pencil was model 350. Originally, the model was introduced in 1950 as a matching pencil of model 100N, and had a drop clip. When model 140 was introduced, a beak-like clip was introduced to match model 140 (Pelikan Schreibgeräte, Pelikan’s Perch) . Please see Pelikan catalog No.80 (1953). Both drop clip version and beak-like clip version were listed on page 71.
The matching ballpoint pen was model 355. The point to distinguishes it from model 455 (matching model 400) was that model 455 had the crown in the stopper, while model 355 had plastic plastic stopper.
Model 140 was produced for 13 years until it was discontinued in 1965. The production period almost overlapped with model 400. There were many changes over time (Pelikan-collectibles), many of which appear to have been made at the same time as the 400.
When model 140 was introduced in 1952, the cap top had no Pelikan logo, and the cap ring had no engravings. The cap tube was constructed with a metal inner liner to help prevent cracking. Since the model was an economy model, the cap ring and clip were gold plated⁽¹⁾. Model 140 was equipped with 14 carat gold nib⁽²⁾ and notched collar as model 400. The nib specification was engraved on the nib itself. The early type feed was identical to that of model 100N (ca.1950) (click)⁽³⁾. Probably, the feed was redesigned before 1954. The late type feed (redesigned feed) was similar in construction to late type 400 feed, but about 2 mm shorter and had a different design (click). The barrel had an engraving "Günther Wagner Pelikan" or "Günther Wagner Pelikan 140", and the turning knob also had a nib specification. The early piston seal was disk-shaped transparent nylon seal, which was replaced by wide transparent nylon seal in 1953.
In 1954, several changes were made (Pelikan-collectibles)⁽⁴⁾. Cap top was engraved with Pelikan logo. Wide clip became narrower. The cap ring was engraved with "Pelikan 140 Germany". In turn the engraving on the barrels was abolished. The nib specification was also omitted. On December, the fir tree nib with stylized Pelikan logo was introduced.
From May 27, 1957, black color pen with steel nib had chrome trims (Pelikan’s Perch, Pelikan Schreibgeräte).
In 1958, the cap tube was equipped with cap safety device (Pelikan’s Perch, Fountain Pen Network), presumably until its discontinuation.
The transparent polystyrene collar was introduced likely in the early 1960s (Pelikan’s Perch).
In 1964, the design of the fir tree nib was changed. Thereafter, the oblique lines no longer merged into the slit.
On July 28, 1965, model 140 was discontinued, as was model 400NN.
Note;⁽¹⁾The cap ring and clip of model 400 were rolled gold (Pelikan catalog No.80 (1953), Pelikan catalog (1964))
⁽²⁾Model 140 nib was substantially shorter and narrower at the shoulder, and most likely had evolved from model 130 IBIS nib (@stoen). CN nib was also available for model 140 (Pelikan-collectibles, Pelikan’s Perch, Pelikan Schreibgeräte), though not mentioned in Pelikan catalogs. CN nib was available upon request?
⁽³⁾The back-end was about 2 mm shorter than that of model early type 400 feed. According to @stoen, the redesigned feed of 100N and the early type feeds of model 400 and 140 were most likely machined from the same four-fin template, then the back-end would have been trimmed and fine-adjusted for them (please see Pelikan 100N (ca.1950) Fig.11).
⁽⁴⁾In 1954, model 100N ans 130 IBIS were officially discontinued. In the next year, a lower-priced model 120 was launched. As a result, model 140 was upgraded to "middle" class around this time.
Pelikan 130 IBIS, 140, and 400
My collection.

Nib unit of model 140 and 400
By courtesy of @stoen.
Pelikan 140 (early version) (until 1954)
No Pelikan logo on the cap top, no engravings on the cap, old imprint on the nib, "Günther Wagner Pelikan" engraving on the barrel, and a nib specification on the turning knob.

Pelikan 140 with chromium-nickel (CN) nib
Old Pelikan CN nib.

Pelikan 140 E
"Electrographik" on the cap tube.

Pelikan 140 Z
"für Zeichenlochen" on the cap tube.

Pelikan 140 desk pen
Pelikan 350 mechanical pencil
The matching pencil of model 140. Originally, the model was introduced in 1950 as a matching pencil of model 100N, and had a drop clip (top). When model 140 was introduced in 1952, a beak-like clip was introduced to match model 140 (middle). In 1959, the model became slimmer in diameter (bottom).

Pelikan 355 ballpoint pen
My collection. Model 455 (top) had the crown (red arrow) in the stopper, while model 355 (bottom) had plastic plastic stopper.

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