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Pelikan 100Nf/100Na (ca.1939)

In March, 1939, model 100N was expanded with two desk pen models.

  • Model 100Nf; "f" stood for "fest (fixed)", as it had a fixed extension (holder) (Fig.1).

  • Model 100Na; "a" stood for "abnehmbar (removable)", as it had a removable extension (Fig.2).

Pelikan Schreibgeräte presents two types of customers Günter Wagner wanted to win over with these models.

  • Companies that wanted to make a company fountain pen available to their office employees. The long extension was expected to prevent employees from putting the pen into their own pockets inadvertently.

  • Customers who expected fountain pens for the shape of their accustomed long dip pen holder.

Desk pen sets are mostly found in Italy, where such pens were much more requested (Fig.1) ( For other variations, please refer to Pelikan-guide or Pelikan 100Nf (ca.1950).

According to Pelikan-guide, model 100f also existed (Fig.3 bottom). But, there is no further information available.

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